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Greetings from a new member in North Carolina

Mark Cassidy

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Hello from North Carolina.

Although I have spent sixty three years of my sixty nine working in various genres of the miniature world. It's been a circuitous route in reaching this moment. One brought about by my three Granddaughters. I had dabbled in this particular area of miniatures some forty five years ago, but ventured into other things. Now I find myself back in this arena. For the past twenty months I have immersed myself in learning about everyone from Natasha Beshenkovsky to Wilfrid Victoreen, and everyone in between. And there are a lot of people in between! It's been an interesting, and expensive, journey so far. To a great extent I am amazed at what I have missed over the last forty five years. In hindsight I should have stayed here!

I have always been interested, and drawn to the "small world" (although I can't stand the song, "It's a small, small world"). Probably because, and I read a comment recently along the lines of, "You can control the miniature world. The real world...not so much".  And today being what it is. That's a good thing!

Back in the mid 90's (before the internet) if you were looking for a particular item for purchase you looked through magazine ad's (remember those?). That would usually lead to a phone call (land line mind you...I still have one of those!). At that time I had a short encounter with, as it turns out, one of the founding members of this forum. Now I know that the photos that I have posted are not quite within the forums rules, but...if the individual that I purchased these from, and they were kits to begin with, sees them. He may remember them and a couple of our conversations. At one time in his life...he dabbled in other areas of the miniature world as well.

As one who does not create anything that would translate into an artisan designation, I take the work of others to create a vision of what my mind's eye sees. So going forward I will have the occasional question...or ten depending!

Anyway. I am glad to be here thanks to my wife who gave me this membership as a Christmas present. I wish that I was attending the show this month, but alas...not in the stars.

Looking forward to a long lasting relationship.

Thanks for having me,

Mark Cassidy




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Hello and Welcome Mark to the Fine Miniatures Forum.  A phone call, and and advertisement might be seen as a novel concept in the year 2024...but I was glued to my Miniature Collector Magazine and The Nutshell News - not as glued as I used to be, but still enjoy reading the techniques of past artisans and occassionally digging something out to help me make something.

IGMA had a Guild Study Program in NC, I think last year, if my memory is correct... we have fine miniaturists all over the USA and International Countries.

It would be great to know someone is working on something out here in our creative tiny world and I look forward to future posts.











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